Lewis Brian Hopkin Jones (28 February 1942 – 3 July 1969)

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newBookmarkLockedFalling Lewis Brian Hopkin Jones (28 February 1942 – 3 July 1969)
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Lewis Brian Hopkin Jones (28 February 1942 – 3 July 1969)
Murder. Brian Jones was the founder and original bandleader of the Rolling Stones. His innovative use of traditional or folk instruments was integral to the changing sound of the band.He developed a serious drug problem and his role in the band steadily diminished. He was asked to leave the Rolling Stones in June 1969.
Original Rolling Stones bassist Bill Wyman said of Jones, "He formed the band. He chose the members. He named the band. He chose the music we played. He got us gigs. Very influential, very important, and then slowly lost it highly intelligent and just kind of wasted it and blew it all away." Jones was discovered motionless at the bottom of his swimming pool. Anna Wohlin was convinced Jones was alive when he was taken out of the pool insisting he still had a pulse. When the doctors arrived it was too late and he was pronounced dead. The coroner's report stated "death by misadventure" and noted his liver and heart were heavily enlarged by drug and alcohol abuse. Jones was buried 10 feet (3.0 m) deep in Cheltenham Cemetery. His hair was bleached white, and was placed in an air-tight metal casket. Watts and Wyman were the only Rolling Stones who attended the funeral.
When asked if he felt guilty about Jones's death Mick Jagger told Rolling Stone in 1995: "No, I don't really. I do feel that I behaved in a very childish way, but we were very young, and in some ways we picked on him. But, unfortunately, he made himself a target for it; he was very, very jealous, very difficult, very manipulative, and if you do that in this kind of a group of people you get back as good as you give, to be honest. I wasn't understanding enough about his drug addiction. No one seemed to know much about drug addiction. Things like LSD were all new. No one knew the harm. People thought cocaine was good for you." Associates of the Stones claiming to have information that he was murdered surface every 5 years. A neighbor saw a large bonfire on Jones' estate in which documentation was being burned on the morning of his death
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